Updated Airport Spotting Hotels Book – Pre-Order Today

by Matt Falcus

Where are the best airport spotting hotels? There’s a lot of mixed information out there on the web, scattered over many different sites and forums. Our book is a concise guide to the best airport spotting hotels all in one place which you can use to plane your plane spotting trips.

First released in 2016, we’ve completely updated the book and given it a new design.

Airport Spotting Hotels (second edition) will be released on 28 March and is available to pre-order now from this link: https://destinworld.com/product/airport-spotting-hotels-2nd-edition/

Spotting planes at JFK from the amazing new TWA Hotel.

If you are looking to find a hotel that has views of aircraft movements at the airports you’re visiting either on a plane spotting trip, or just a regular holiday, then this book is the perfect reference guide for you.

It includes:

  • Worldwide coverage, with hotels in 65 different countries.
  • Over 360 different spotting hotels listed.
  • Discover the pro’s and con’s of different hotels.
  • Ensure you make the most of your spotting trips by securing a room with a view.
  • Where known, recommended room numbers and camera focal lengths are listed.

Airport Spotting Hotels gives you the upper hand when researching your spotting trips, giving you the reference guide to all of the world’s major airports.

Over a thousand aviation enthusiasts purchased the previous edition of this book, finding it useful for planning their trips.

Why not join them and get the tips on the best spotting hotels?

Airport Spotting Hotels (2nd Edition) will be released on 28 March 2020. Pre-order today to be the first to receive it!

Pre-Order Your Copy


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