First flying in 1987, the Airbus A320 may still seem like a new aircraft, but it is in fact over 30 years old.
While neo (new engine option) models and even plenty of classics still roll off the Toulouse production line at an impressive rate, we thought we’d take a look at some of the older examples still flying.
Many of the earliest airframes have now been retired or scrapped.
[You can find out where the Airbus prototype aircraft are located here]
The 15 Oldest Airbus A320s Still Flying
JY-JAC (cn 0029)
ZS-GAR (cn 0053)
ZS-GAW (cn 0054)
C-FDQQ (cn 0059)
ZS-GAL (cn 0064)
ZS-GAO (cn 0067)
D-AIPA (cn 0069)
D-AIPB (cn 0070)
D-AIPC (cn 0071)
D-AIPD (cn 0072)
C-FDRH (cn 0073)
ZS-GAS (cn 0076)
ZS-GAP (cn 077)
D-AIPE (cn 078)
D-AIPF (cn 083)
How many of these have you seen?
Meanwhile, at the time of writing, the production line had reached cn 9000 and growing by many more every month.
It shows what a successful aircraft the A320 is.
Flying Firsts
Flying Firsts is a new book from Martyn Cartledge. It covers the introduction to flight of hundreds of aircraft type and variants, including the A320 family, with colour photographs, stats, facts and easy references.
You can order the book now at this link:
I have spotted 6 of the A320s in your list and flown on sn 29 JY-JAC when it was VH-HYG with my airline ANSETT AUSTRALIA.
LUFTHANSA D-AIPA had its last schedule on 29/05/19 BRU/FRA and on 30/05 ferried FRA/SOF-Sofia for scrapping, despite all the celebratons on its retirement !
Had my first A320 flight in Feb 1989 and still flying on them.
Thanks Mervyn! Shame they’re scrapping the A320. Could’ve gone to Sinsheim or Speyer museums!
I flew the following five A-320’s when employed with America West.
c/n 0053 N620AW,
c/n0054 N621AW
c/n0064 N625AW,
c/n0067 N628AW
c/n0071 N631AW
ZS-GAZ S/N 0081 is still flying. Should be number 15