Two New Spotting Locations at Brussels Airport to be Created

by Matt Falcus

Despite the awful terrorist attacks last year, Brussels Airport is continuing to press ahead with schemes to provide facilities for aviation enthusiasts by creating two dedicated spotting locations for watching aircraft movements.

The new spotting locations at Brussels will comprise elevated platforms allowing views over the fenceline of aircraft on the runway.


The locations are:

Runway 25L/07R Spotting Platform

This location is close to one of the existing unofficial spotting locations, near the Caricole detention centre alongside the runway.

The new platform will be located alongside the touchdown point for runway 25L, and the car park at the detention centre which is already used by spotters will be expanded to provide enough space for everyone.

Brussels 2

Brussels 1

View from runway 25L landing location

View from runway 25L landing location

Here’s the location on a map


Runway 01/19 Spotting Platform

A little further to the west of the first location will be another elevated platform overlooking the touchdown point of runway 01.

Due to its position, it will also be a good place to see aircraft on runway 25L/07R, and aircraft parked at some parts of the terminal.

This spotting location will be built in the recreation area in Zaventem – Speelbos. Here the emphasis will not be just on spotters; an area will be created that meets the needs of the spotters and at the same time also acts as a recreation spot for families and people living in the area.

Brussels 4

Brussels 3

Here’s the location on a map


A Third Location

That’s not all. The airport has confirmed that it will also provide a parking area for people wanting to watch aircraft approaching runway 25L. It will be located on Mechelsesesteenweg.


Speaking about the proposals, the airport commented: “Early in 2016 we held an enquiry to assess the wishes of spotters on Brussels Airport. The project was temporarily suspended by the attacks of 22 March, but was resumed several months later.

Based on the results of the enquiry and following talks with several spotters and the neighbouring municipalities, a number of proposals were worked out further. The chosen designs meet both the wishes of the spotters such as an unobstructed view on the aircraft and the incident of light and the security demands of the airport area.”


Here’s a video of aircraft I saw at Brussels Airport in 2014:


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