Spotting at Tallinn, Estonia

by Matt Falcus

Tallinn is a relatively small airport in the former Soviet state of Estonia. It is luckily served by a number of low-cost airlines, so is relatively cheap to reach – especially from the UK.

Traffic at the airport isn’t fast-paced by any means, but you can usually catch a number of Soviet and Scandinavian regional aircraft hanging around, which makes it different to many other airports in Europe.

Inside the terminal, the Graf Zeppelin restaurant has views over the ramp, and an outdoor terrace which is open in good weather.

Outside the terminal, if you turn left you will come to a fence which looks over the ramp.
If you turn right, an industrial area offers some views across to aircraft parked away from the ramp.

ES-LTA is a Tupolev TU-134 which has been stored at the airport for years.

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