Spotting at Los Angeles LAX Imperial Hill Jim Clutter Park

by Matt Falcus

Los Angeles LAX is one of the greatest airports in the world to spot at. The quantity and variety of movements puts it up there with the best.

As well as all the US major airlines, you’ll see international carriers from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and South America, as well as many cargo carriers.

LAX also has the benefit of sunshine for many days of the year, meaning great photography.

One of the best spotting locations at LAX is Jim Clutter Park.

Situated on the south side of the airport off Imperial Highway, Jim Clutter Park overlooks LAX from a height which offers unobstructed photography of aircraft, and the ability to log all movements on the south side with good binoculars. Movements on the northern runways can be read with a pole, or tied up later with SBS or flight tracking sites. The park provides benches and the shade of trees, and a number of food concessions are located close by.

Here’s a map of the location

Here are some pictures taken by contributor Erik Ritterbach on a recent visit.

[See also: 7 of the Best Plane Spotting Locations in Los Angeles]



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1 comment

Nikolay Klimchuk May 29, 2019 - 6:35 pm

I was on that spot last month. It’s really good unless there is mist from the Pacific Ocean.


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