Boeing 747 Routes Page added (and A350/787 Routes now downloadable)

by Matt Falcus

One of the most popular requests we’ve had recently is to add a Boeing 747 Routes Page which tracks all of the known scheduled passenger routes operated by the remaining Boeing 747 operators.

Well, now we’ve added one! The link is here:

Boeing 747 Routes Page

Remember to bookmark it!


Alongside our popular Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 routes pages, we’ll endeavour to keep this as up-to-date as possible. But as always, we rely on input from you good people if you spot something that is incorrect, or a route which is missing.

Sadly the Boeing 747 is disappearing from our skies at a rapid rate. There are very few classics flying, and none in passenger service apart from Mahan Air’s sole 747-3B3(M).

At the time of writing, British Airways, KLM and Lufthansa are the largest operators of the 747-400, but all are planning their retirements in coming years. Plus, we’ll soon see the likes of QANTAS retire theirs.

We’ve included the 747-8 in the list as there are relatively few flying, and it is interesting to know where they are flown if you do feel like taking a flight on one.


A350 and 787 Route Pages

In case you didn’t know, we also keep a list of routes operated by these two modern types.

As requested by readers, we have now made these downloadable. So you can save an easily-searchable spreadsheet to your computer for finding information on where the aircraft fly.

Find the pages here:

Airbus A350 Routes Page
Boeing 787 Routes Page




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1 comment

Mike Farrier October 15, 2019 - 12:48 pm

Excellent reference material as ever Matt. Fantastic job, please keep it up!!


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