BAA is selling Edinburgh Airport

by Matt Falcus

British Airports Authority (BAA) has finally made up its mind as to which of its Scottish airports it is going to sell. It had been told it had to, much like it was told to sell a London airport and got rid of Gatwick.  They have chosen Edinburgh, and will now set in place the process of selling it to another operator.

This is quite surprising as in recent years Edinburgh has shown much more promise, with a number of new routes and operators in place, and a lot more inbound passengers coming to enjoy the city. Glasgow, on the other hand, has not really changed much.

However, it might not be surprising given that Glasgow is the UK’s third largest city and the airport is much bigger and better equipped; Edinburgh would need a runway and terminal extension to handle more/larger aircraft.

What do you think of the choice? What will it mean for Edinburgh and Glasgow airports in the future?

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