US Airports With Resident DC-3s

by Matt Falcus

A spotting trip to any airport is always made more complete with the sight of a classic airliner at the airport you’re visiting.

In America, many airports are blessed with a based Douglas DC-3 which is persevered, or even in flying condition.


Here are some US airports with resident DC-3s to see.


Los Angeles

N19915 (42-15552)

N760 Flightpath Learning Center

N19915 Proud Bird


Santa Monica

Spirit of Santa Monica Douglas DC-3 (C-53) N242SM



Hartford Bradley International

N165LG New England Air Museum


Dallas Ft Worth

American DC-3

N21798 CR Smith Museum


Minneapolis St Paul

Douglas C-47 43-15620 and Boeing KC-97L of Minnesota ANG Museum at Minnesota ANG 020218

N33 at ANG Museum


Kansas City Downtown

N838M wearing false marks of NC5931 Douglas C-47A-90-DL preserved on the roof of The Roasterie coffee company, Kansas City, MO, USA.

N838M (marked NC5931)


Zephyrhills Municipal


N134D (marked 268804/Z)


Charlotte Douglas

Piedmont Airlines Douglas DC-3 N44V

N12907 at Carolinas Aviation Museum

N44V at Carolinas Aviation Museum


Oklahoma City Will Rogers

"892953" Douglas DC-3 at Oklahoma City Airport

N65162 (marked 892953)


Find out all of the preserved airliners in the USA, Canada and Mexico in our guide: Preserved Airliners of North America (including Military Transport Aircraft).

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Andrew Lelliott August 16, 2018 - 7:49 pm

You can also visit the delta meusum in Atlanta Georgia and KFFC in Peachtree City Georgia. KFFC has the Candler Field Express DC3 which is an active flying DC3.

Brad Bouwkamp August 16, 2018 - 8:36 pm

There is another DC-3 that I know of at Jenison, MI Riverview airport. I haven’t seen if fly in a bit but it was in the past year I think.

Call (616) 667-9350

Randall Peasley August 16, 2018 - 9:16 pm

Flew on N18121 yesterday at Spirit of 45 celebrations, Aurora, Oregon (KURO)! Magnificent bird, built in 1937, has highest hours of any DC-3 aircraft in world!!!!

Matt Falcus August 16, 2018 - 10:04 pm

Wow, that’s great!

John K August 16, 2018 - 9:44 pm

N15SJ, C-47/DC-3, is alive and well at KFRG – Farmingdale, Republic Airport on Long Island, NY. It flies as part of the collection for the American Airpower Museum

phil barrett August 17, 2018 - 1:51 am

There is a flying DC-3 with Pan Am markings at Historic Flight at Paine Field, Everett, WA. I saw it fly in June of this year.

M.Marshall September 29, 2018 - 9:10 am

There is one at Marathon in the Florida Keys.

Jim Sez October 25, 2018 - 1:52 pm

Want to see them fly? DC-3’s are actually still in use and fly out of Anchorage Airport on a daily basis. It’s possible to get a photo of a DC 3 and B747-8F queued up for departure. There are probably 6 or 7 DC-3’s on the various ramps at the airport.


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