TSA targeting aircraft photographers?

by Matt Falcus

In a new poster campaign, the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, are apparently making the claim that people taking photos of aircraft are a security threat and – gasp – terrorists!

The poster shows a hooded person pointing a camera with telephoto lens through an airport fence at something out of sight. However, an aircraft parked on the ramp near him suggests he’s photographing an airliner.

The text underneath reads “Don’t let our planes get into the wrong hands”, and encourages suspicious behaviour to be reported to the authorities.

There doesn’t seem to be any justification as to why photographers are a threat, and if they are truly suggesting that enthusiasts who like to take (harmless) pictures of aircraft are a threat to their security then they are not doing themselves any favours when at many airports these same people are regarded as an extra set of eyes AGAINST the threat of terrorism at airports.

As posted on Wired.com, the TSA’s Blogger Bob admits the poster doesn’t go far enough to distinguish between general photography and suspicious activity.

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