Boeing brought their fourth 737 MAX prototype aircraft, N8704Q, to Farnborough and I was able to take a tour and check it out.
This particular aircraft is currently used to demonstrate interior options for potential airline customers and to smooth the entry into service for the 737 MAX in 2017.
It includes the full Sky Interior, with new ceiling, overhead compartments, new seating and completely new cockpit with large display screens.
Eventually this aircraft, a MAX 8 variant, will go to launch customer Southwest Airlines.
Thanks for intersting story! Nice post!
Wow! Great pictures.
[…] for Boeing, having reached its 100th anniversary during this year’s show, and having their 737 MAX 8 as part of the static and flying display for the first […]
[…] Here’s a tour of the Boeing 737 MAX interior which I recently took. […]
What a shame! This cockpit is straight out of 1975, except for LCD screens replacing round dials with added moving map. Shame shame shame on Boeing pushing this arctic machine out of the assembly line in 2016.
It also looks about as comfortable for a pilot as sitting in a shoebox, except with fast spinning trim wheels and protruding toggle switches.. once again, staight out of an antique. At least they put some effort and brains into a 787. The 737max is a shame.
[…] [Here’s a look on board the Boeing 737 MAX 8 at Farnborough Air Show 2016] […]