You may or may not be aware that I maintain a list of inmates at the UK’s premier airliner storage and scrapping (sorry, recycling) airfield – Kemble Cotswold Airport.
You can see the list here (be sure to bookmark it to use as a future reference):
I rely on people keeping me updated on the situation at Kemble as I live over 250 miles away, and this week with the arrival of Etihad Airways’ Boeing 777-200LR A6-LRC, I was sent many photos of this new addition to the storage site.
So as not to waste these excellent shots, here they are:

Touchdown! Photo (c) Bob Franklin

A6-LRC arriving at Kemble 12 January 2019. Photo (c) Bob Franklin

Photo (c) Chris Boyde

Photo (c) Bob Franklin

Parked up. Photo (c) Callum Radford
My thanks to Bob, Callum and Chris for sending them in!
[For a guide on spotting at Kemble, click here]
This ETIHAD 777-237LR is only 11.5 years old, delivered to AIR INDIA IN 2007 and sold to ETIHAD in 2014, and is one of 5 of the original batch to AI. The other four also went to ET in 2014 and all retired in 2018….why so early retirement, maybe just no market for that particular model.
Seems such a waste, however perhaps the leasing company owner sees more value in the spare parts from them.
This ETIHAD 777-200 was only 11.5 years old, new to AIR INDIA in 2007, then to ET in 2014 and now retired. Four others in this same batch went the same way, AI to ET and all retired after such a short stint. If the owner/leasing company cannot find a new customer for them, then theres more money in parting them out, seems such a shame really! But thats hard financial reality.
A BA 777-236 G-ZZZE lasted even less, new to BA in 1/96 and retired by 6/02 then back to Boeing, a few short ill fated leases and retired fully in 2006 and scrapped 2008. It was one of the first 5 for BA, the 200 ”standard” , not LR or ER so limited range, however BA did retain the first 3 G-ZZZA-C and still operating for BA, while the 4th one, G-ZZZD wento Gabon and retired in 2016.