The best aviation podcasts to listen to

by Matt Falcus


I’ve been getting more into podcasts lately as a way to keep up with what’s happening on different topics of interest, including a number of aviation themed examples.

Podcasts are great for listening to whilst on the go, or whilst working at your desk, and often provide news, interviews and interesting topics of discussion.

Here are the best aviation podcasts to listen to at the moment:


1. Airplane Geeks Podcast

One of the original and best. Max and the team record a weekly podcast in the USA which includes discussion on the latest civil and military news stories, and then also involves a guest with an aviation background. The podcast usually includes sections from Pieter Johnson and the Plane Crazy Down Under guys (see below), adding an international perspective to the show.

2. Xtended

Xtended is run by Pieter Johnson, a UK aviation podcaster who is a regular on the Airplane Geeks Podcast. Xtended is billed as Europe’s premier aerospace internet radio programme, and each episode features a range of guest interviews on a variety of aviation topics, from military to civil, general and classic aviation. You’ll often hear from authors about their new books, and lots of people who work in and have a passion for aviation.

3. Airline Pilot Guy

Jeff Nielsen, or Capt. Jeff, who is an airline pilot with lots of experience of flying. He publishes his podcast every week and talks about aviation stories that have caught his attention, or that he can shed some light on. It’s informative and great to hear things from the “other side of the cockpit door.”

4. Plane Crazy Down Under

This is a very entertaining podcast from, as the name suggests, a bunch of guys in Australia. They usually publish a show every month or so, and their goal is to highlight aviation in the Australasia/Pacific region, talking about airlines, military operators, airports, as well as airshows and other events. Each episode is 60-120 minutes in length, and usually includes an interview.

5. Airspeed

Airspeed is an all-round aviation themed podcast run by Stephen Tupper, a lawyer, private pilot, and Civil Air Patrol major. It usually has guests to talk on a particular topic. and appears at least once per week. Well worth a listen.


If you have an aviation podcast or video blog, why not leave a comment below with a link and description!

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Mike July 10, 2015 - 6:40 am

No Uncontrolled Airspace Podcast (U.C.A.P.) or In The Pattern Podcast?? The Finer Points?
Your ist needs help.

Matt Falcus July 10, 2015 - 7:34 pm

Hi Mike, thanks for leaving a comment. My list was my opinion, but that’s why I asked for your feedback. Thanks for suggesting them – I’ll check them out!

Greg July 11, 2015 - 6:11 am

What about Hangar 49?

Matt Falcus July 12, 2015 - 8:02 pm

Great suggestion. Thanks Greg!

Dave W July 11, 2015 - 7:52 am

I would add Aviatorcast by Angle Of Attack to the list, they are well produced and usually an hour or so long. He has good guests on and mixes real world with simming.

I enjoy your blog btw

Dave W

Matt Falcus July 12, 2015 - 8:02 pm

Hi Dave, thanks for the great suggestions and kind comments!

PCDU Episode 125: Avalon Charlie (The Avalon Airshow Goodness Continues) « Plane Crazy Down Under September 23, 2015 - 4:24 am

[…] also been mentioned on Global Pilot Life and Airport Spotting as both sites have included us in their lists of “Favourite Aviation Shows.” Thanks to […]

Ken Schulte August 24, 2017 - 2:48 pm

I would like to add a new podcast based on funny stories that happen in the airline industry. Its done by two pilots and has lots of story telling aspects from getting started in their careers along with funny things that happen on the plane. Thanks for considering it.

Matt Falcus August 24, 2017 - 4:36 pm

Thanks Ken!

Jaime A Luque October 23, 2018 - 3:28 pm

Hi Matt and thanks for compiling the list, I will add one or two to my list.
I would like to suggest Stuck Mic Avcast and Aviation Careers Podcast by Carl Valeri, they are very inspiring especially for student pilots and people trying to get into the industry.
Keep the blue side up!

Matt Falcus October 23, 2018 - 4:58 pm

Thanks Jaime!


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